চোখ দুটো টানা টানা – দোভাষী বাংলা মুখ
Durga has time and again been visualized in different forms and considered as the feminine epitome of strength. The glory of the goddess Durga is justified with her face to the core. For generations, the artisans clan has been making the idol faces of several types .The style followed by artisans to create the idol’s face are of three main types known as ‘Khash Bangla’ ‘Dobhashi’ and ‘Chhobiyana.’

The Khash bangla face is the most ancient and traditional type, consisting of sharp conical features especially fish eyes,sharp nose and entirely decorated with thermocol (Sola). It is popularly known as tana chokh (Wide Godly Eyes ) protima,‘Chhobiyana’ on the other hand, refers to real-life faces, resembling or a replica of a familiar face of a pretty woman.The pattern is much later formation in the chronological development of the portrait of goddess durga tradition. ‘Dobhashi’ is the creation of the mid-phase when the process of combining two styles was still on. Dobhashi deities have both conical features of the Khass Bangla genre and a fleshy, heavy set face which we often see in today’s traditional puja’s . So initially, Devi Durga looked like a Bengali bride, with a slender face like a bamboo leaf, as Khas Bangla Mukhater, later the face grew more round like a heart, known as ‘Dobhasi Mukh’ that finally gave way further to a more natural form, known as ‘Chhobiana.’-the adhunik, or human, form of the goddess But,whatever facial type it may be, the expression of Durga never goes unnoticed during the festivity.