As we reeled from the throes of Covid 19, forcing everyone to shelter-in-place, the news of cyclone Amphan hitting West Bengal came through.
Purbapalli members once more took upon the uphill task to raise funds and do their bit to help the Amphan victims. It was amazing to see our members come forward and heartily participate in this endeavour once more. They came forward with very generous contributions in cash as well as kind. Members’ contributions for the Amphan affected people of Bengal handed over to Bharat Sevashram Sangha, Gurgaon.
Members also donated clothes, sarees etc. which were distributed in cyclone affected villages of West Bengal through local NGO. Purbapalli members have always come forward for such social causes.

Purbapalli memembers handed over some relief fund to #bharatsevashramsangha.
They are helping the needy by giving relief material and supporting over 30000 people with cooked food.
— at Bharat Sevashram Sangha Gurgaon.